Wednesday, February 4, 2009

6Months Old

Do you believe that I'm 6 months old already? Me either! I've been so busy learning things that the time has just flown by. I learned to do the army crawl, so I can get around on my own now. I'm so happy I can get around without help now. There is really a lot of stuff to explore, and mommy doesn't always take me to the most interesting looking things. I have to give her credit though, she does try.
My daddy came home! Both mommy & I are so happy to see him again. Mommy says daddy got a promotion at work so he had to come back home to us earlier then he was supposed to. I don't know what a promotion is, but Hooray Daddy! Daddy has this strange book, that he had mommy sign this morning. Mommy was happy to sign it, and said that I had to sign it too. I tried to tell mommy that I can't write yet, but that didn't stop her. Mommy is so smart, she just got out an ink pad and stuck my foot in it, then pressed my foot to the paper. Daddy was surprised to see my signature in his book too.

Look at me!!! I'm standing!!! I pulled myself up all on my own. Mommy stays close by though, just to make sure I don't fall & get hurt. Look at that toy! It's really cool, don't you think? There are so many fun things you can do with it. I'm having so much fun playing with it, and it's very handy to practice pulling up with.

Mommy took me to the pool today. It was my first time playing in water other then the bathtub. I had so much fun. The water was a little cold at first, but soon it felt really comfortable. It was pretty hot outside that day. But mommy kept me in the shade so I wouldn't get sun burnt.

I got my first tooth! It's not all the way grown in yet, but mommy says she can see it. I'm really turning into a big boy. Mommy has even started giving me tastes of a new food, something she called banana. I didn't know what to think of it at first, but after another couple of tastes I really liked it. Don't tell mommy, but it was just as much fun to play with, as to eat though. (Remember ~ it's our secret!)

I discovered that my puppies have their own door in and out of the house. Mommy wouldn't let me go out exploring though. Oh well! I tried. I'll just have to wait until mommy isn't watching me so close, then I'll see what's out there. Someday!
Mommy took me in for another check-up today. It's the first time that I've seen this doctor. He was really surprised at how active and strong I am, and said I'm growing so good. I'm up to 18 pounds 6-1/2 ounces, and 28-1/2 inches tall. The doc told mommy that he wouldn't be surprised if I was over the 100th percentile mark for height next time he sees me. He also said that mommy was doing a really good job taking care of me, and he really liked my cloth diapers too!

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