Thursday, September 10, 2009

18 Month Check-up

I had my 18 month check-up awhile back, but I've just been having so much fun with daddy, that I forgot to post all the info the doctor gave us. I'm now 31lbs. 6.8oz & 35.5" tall. The Dr. said I am one of the most well behaved 18 month olds she's seen. I got 2 vaccines, and never cried, aren't I such a big boy? While we were waiting in the lobby to go back to the exam rooms, another family with a little girl arrived. I promptly hopped out of my chair, walked around the play table and pulled a chair out for the little girl. I was so proud of myself, mommy was proud of me too! I'm such a gentleman! Let me tell you.....her mommy & daddy were IMPRESSED! I think I'm getting this "be nice to the ladies" thing figured out already.....better watch out!

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